Casa Carlotta
Check in 4:30 pm
Check out time 10 noon ( different time must be agreed in advance with the property).
For the well-being of guests, smoking is only allowed on the terrace and in the garden.
You can make reservations directly from our website or by email or by calling (0034) 686806569 also by wathsapp or calling to (0039) 04321636006.
In case of booking we do not ask for any deposit except for the summer periods.
We do not have POS and we do not accept checks.
By booking here (official website of the structure) you will avoid paying the booking feesthat are applied by the web portals.
Free WiFi throughout the apartment
We have our parking space in and out of the building
Shuttle to and from the airport
Upon payment and prior agreements before booking
Free WiFi throughout the apartment
We have our parking space in and out of the building
Tourist informations
We will assist you for free with regard to your. requests on info: places, beaches, sports activities, restaurants, shops.
Shuttle to and from the airport
Upon payment and prior agreements before booking
Tourist informations
We will assist you for free with regard to your. requests on info: places, beaches, sports activities, restaurants, shops.
The reception time is from 08:00 to 24:00 We are always pleased to be contacted 30-60 minutes before arrival at the facility in order to be present
The reception time is from 08:00 to 24:00 We are always pleased to be contacted 30-60 minutes before arrival at the facility in order to be present